Lars Schneider <> writes:

> Problem:
> Git attributes for path names are generally case sensitive. However, on 
> a case insensitive file system (e.g. macOS/Windows) they appear to be
> case insensitive (`*.bar` would match `` and `foo.BAR`). That 
> works great until a Git users joins the party with a case sensitive file 
> system. For this Git user the attributes pattern only matches files with
> the exact case (*.bar` would match only ``).
> Question/Proposal:
> Could we introduce some flag to signal that certain attribute patterns
> are always case insensitive? 
> Thread:

Thanks for a pointer.

So you are worried about the case where somebody on a case
insensitive but case preserving system would do

    $ edit file.txt
    $ edit .gitattributes
    $ git add file.txt .gitattributes

and adds "*.TXT someattr=true" to the attributes file, which
would set someattr to true on his system for file.txt, but when the
result is checked out on a case sensitive system, it would behave
differently because "*.TXT" does not match "file.txt"?

How do other systems address it?  Your Java, Ruby, etc. sources may
refer to another file with "import" and the derivation of the file
names from class names or package names would have the same issue,
isn't it?  Do they have an option that lets you say

    Even though the import statements may say "import a.b.C", we
    know that the source tarball was prepared on a case insensitive
    system, and I want you to look for a/b/ and a/b/ and
    use what was found.

or something like that?  Same for anything that records other
filenames in the content to refer to them, like "Makefile".

My knee jerk reaction to that is that .gitattributes and .gitignore
should not be instructed to go case insensitive on case sensitive
systems.  If the system is case insensitive but case preserving,
it probably would make sense not to do case insensitive matching,
which would prevent the issue from happening in the first place.

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