Christian Couder <> writes:

>>> Perhaps we should declare that config will be the one and only way
>>> in the future and start deprecating the command line option way.
>>> That will remove the need for two to interact with each other.
> That would be my preferred solution as I think it is the simplest in
> the end for users.
> Also, as Duy wrote above, one can always use something like "git -c
> core.splitIndex= ...", which by the way can work for any command, not
> just "update-index".
> Anyway we would have to introduce core.splitIndex first, and it
> wouldn't make sense to have a different behavior between
> --[no-]split-index and --[no-]untracked-cache in the meantime before
> they are deprecated and eventually removed.
> So let's just go with the implementation in this series, which is
> similar to --[no-]untracked-cache, and let's plan to deprecate
> --[no-]split-index and --[no-]untracked-cache in a later patch series.

Sounds like we have a plan.  Thanks.

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