Duy Nguyen <pclo...@gmail.com> writes:

>>> +     if (skip_prefix_mem(cond, cond_len, "gitdir:", &cond, &cond_len))
>>> +             return include_by_gitdir(cond, cond_len, 0);
>>> +     else if (skip_prefix_mem(cond, cond_len, "gitdir/i:", &cond, 
>>> &cond_len))
>>> +             return include_by_gitdir(cond, cond_len, 1);
>> This may be OK for now, but it should be trivial to start from a
>> table with two entries, i.e.
>>         struct include_cond {
>>                 const char *keyword;
>>                 int (*fn)(const char *, size_t);
>>         };
>> and will show a better way to do things to those who follow your
>> footsteps.
> Yeah I don't see a third include coming soon and did not go with that.
> Let's way for it and refactor then.

I would have said exactly that in my message if you already had
include_by_gitdir() and include_by_gitdir_i() as separate functions.

But I didn't, because the above code gives an excuse to the person
who adds the third one to be lazy and add another "else if" for
expediency, because making it table-driven would require an extra
work to add two wrapper functions that do not have anything to do
with the third one being added.

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