Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> writes:

> Also, while I do agree with you that the problem exists, it is
> unclear why this patch is a solution and not a hack that sweeps a
> problem under the rug.  
> It is unclear why this "silently detach HEAD without telling the
> user" is a better solution than erroring out, for example [*1*].

Just to avoid possible confusion; I am not claiming that it would be
more (or less for that matter) sensible to error out than silently
detaching HEAD, because I am not giving the reason to substantiate
the claim and I do not have a strong opinion to favour which one (or
another potential solution, if any).  

I am just saying that the patch that proposes a solution should be
backed with an explanation why it is a good idea, especially when
there are obvious alternatives that are not so clearly inferior.


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