On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 7:18 PM, Michael Haggerty <mhag...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 3:12 PM, Shawn Pearce <spea...@spearce.org> wrote:
>> I'm with you this far, and like the {min,max}_update_index in the
>> header. I'm concerned about update_index in 32 bits. At some point you
>> need to reset the counter, or the repository is broken. 4b updates is
>> enough for anyone? I'd feel better about this being a 64 bit field.
> Yes, I was a little bit nervous about 32 bits, too. But that's a *lot*
> of updates: one per second for 136 years. If that limit were ever
> reached, there could be a compaction step, where any update indices
> that don't have associated reflog entries are "compacted out" of the
> numerical sequence and the remaining indices are renumbered
> contiguously.

I considered that, but its a bit of a pain for the writer to renumber
the remaining records.

> But it's ok with me to make it 64 bits. Usually those extra bytes
> would be appear as FFFFFFFF and so should prefix- and zlib-compress
> well.

That was my thought. Within a single reference these will prefix
compress right out, and zlib will fix any sins within the log block at
restart points.

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