When doing a rebase, sometimes I will get `DU` and `UU` conflicts
(locally deleted and locally modified, respectively). Furthermore, in
some of these cases, I want to take "ours" for all conflicts,
including ones where the local file is deleted. Ideally, it's just one

    $ git checkout --ours .

However, this fails for the locally deleted conflicts:

    error: path 'foo.xml' does not have our version

Even more annoyingly, the fact that these failures occur prevents the
`UU` conflicts from being resolved. The whole operation fails
atomically. I am not aware of a straightforward and uniform way to
resolve conflicts with "ours" during a rebase when locally deleted
files exist in the list of conflicts. What is the most elegant
solution in this situation?

I'm running Git for Windows v2.13.1.

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