Hi Pratyush,

On Sat, Sep 14, 2019 at 11:15 PM Pratyush Yadav <m...@yadavpratyush.com> wrote:
> Why should it only happen when the commit message widget is selected?
> What's wrong with directly switching focus when all the files are
> staged?
> What I have in mind is once there are no more files to stage, the focus
> directly goes to the staged files section, and the first staged file
> gets selected. Then if you want you can type in the commit message. And
> conversely, when unstaging things, once all files are unstaged, the
> focus goes directly to the unstaged files section.

Your questions are fair. My reasoning: I imagine it could be a bit
frustrating that the focus automatically goes away from the "Unstaged
Changes" widget, when the user actually isn't done doing changes.

For instance (as a user);
- Do some changes
- Stage the changes (no more unstaged changes in the repo)
- Realize that you forgot something, jump back to the IDE and make
some more changes
- Jump back again to git-gui, hit refresh
In this scenario, I imagine the user would want to have focus kept on
the "Unstaged Changes" widget. Even if it became empty with files

When the user focus the "Commit Message" widget, the user is kinda
stating "I'm done staging stuff for now". And when that happens, it
really doesn't make sense to show a blank diff any more.

I hope that made sense.


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