On Wed, Oct 09, 2019 at 11:28:51AM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:

> > I suspect it's not entirely sufficient for clean input, though. You're
> > not feeding filenames but rather full "object names". I wouldn't be
> > surprised if we mis-parse "$rev:$path" when $path has "@{}" or similar
> > in it.
> Nothing I've tried along the lines of "HEAD:{yesterday}" has misparsed
> the part after the colon as anything but a filename.

It's possible we've fixed them all. We definitely don't parse strictly
left-to-right. The first thing we try to do is strip bits like ^{commit}
off the end, before we even find the colon. But after doing so, we
should generally be left with a resolvable name, and I think that uses
the "basic" parser which will not allow colons. I.e., this:

  mkdir subdir
  echo whatever >subdir/file
  git add subdir
  git commit -m 'add directory'
  git show HEAD:subdir^{tree}

really does look for the file "subdir^{tree}" in HEAD, and not
"HEAD:subdir" as a tree.

We have had bugs in the past; I'm thinking specifically of 8cd4249c4c
(interpret_branch_name: always respect "namelen" parameter, 2014-01-15).
But I couldn't find any problematic inputs after poking around for a few

> The one I can think of where there's a parse ambiguity is that while
> :foo gets file foo, :1:foo does not get file "1:foo". Instead it's
> treated as a stage number. Using either HEAD:1:foo or :./1:foo
> will avoid that ambiguity.

Yeah, that makes sense.


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