On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 8:42 PM, Hilco Wijbenga
<hilco.wijbe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a (public) "feature" branch that has been kept up-to-date with
> "master" by regularly merging master back into it. I would now like to
> get all the changes from feature but not any of the commits.
> Basically, I want to replay all of feature's commits without creating
> those commits.
> I thought something like
> git cherry-pick -n abcd^..feature
> should do the trick (while on master, where abcd is the SHA-1 of the
> commit where feature was created) but I get conflicts.
> First, why the conflicts? I have done all the merges so cherry-pick
> should simply be able to replay them? Second, what is the correct way
> of doing this?


% git cherry-pick -n --no-merges --right-only --topo-order
--cherry-pick abcd^..feature

Felipe Contreras
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