I've had good success recently with the git->bzr bridge, but the
following still fails.  This is on Debian with the git from "unstable".


% git clone bzr::bzr://bzr.savannah.nongnu.org/enwc/trunk
Cloning into 'trunk'...
Note: checking out 'e8fa1a2339729de62d0ad85e44b8993bf25b7996'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b new_branch_name

error: unable to find b8c01407a3e9f69bdfa5b8ab195a2680caa5d3d5
error: unable to read sha1 file of COPYING 
error: unable to find 4cdecd08dd6cc2f196949b60b6daf6d4456840a1
error: unable to read sha1 file of Makefile 
error: unable to find 81a14bd73e6c11ae0fb78071c93dce5c80a7e8a3
error: unable to read sha1 file of doc/connman.txt 
error: unable to find 15a6ad4dc0c9d48bebc20cb267ae47ad66d1ccf9
error: unable to read sha1 file of doc/enwc.texi 
error: unable to find c34c35a3a641358b95d3c4fd34b6ac2f5268b291
error: unable to read sha1 file of doc/fdl.texi 
error: unable to find 1920a86cbab296d01763f975d004f4338f51269b
error: unable to read sha1 file of doc/nm-dbus.txt 
error: unable to find 7fd9428f0bc56e0e5c132cdfc03f35a07a516160
error: unable to read sha1 file of doc/settings.txt 
error: unable to find b2f5df78313374b87d97996d72053cc5fd875fba
error: unable to read sha1 file of doc/version.texi 
error: unable to find 26c50c2600457c8ae4c492496b6217d79a96da75
error: unable to read sha1 file of lisp/Makefile 
error: unable to find 3c3170e4fc62b68f05d4017e4bb88632527317e1
error: unable to read sha1 file of lisp/enwc-cm.el 
error: unable to find e7e64d3bd3af3bdbebfcf077c52363b2eec06b0d
error: unable to read sha1 file of lisp/enwc-nm.el 
error: unable to find f4401ec703b96b34edee06b5f015f8a6d73e9a55
error: unable to read sha1 file of lisp/enwc-setup.el 
error: unable to find fb83160d3352633558786e73e2d8c6f466e1967f
error: unable to read sha1 file of lisp/enwc-wicd.el 
error: unable to find f765245c1cfb93c645be53dc56772cabc90cdb24
error: unable to read sha1 file of lisp/enwc.el 
% git --version                                     
git version
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