On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 04:35:14PM +0100, David Kastrup wrote:
> Josef Wolf <j...@raven.inka.de> writes:
> > The only command in this script that uses "heads" is
> >
> >   git symbolic-ref HEAD "refs/heads/$new_branch"
> >
> You probably should check how $new_branch comes about.

This is the line of code where $new_branch is comes to live:

    my (undef, $new_branch, @new_path) = split ("/", $new_item);

So it is impossible that it might contain any slashes.

In any other situation, this script cares only about branches which start with
the string "scan-file-XXXX":

    sub local_branches  { grep {m+^scan-file-+} &all_branches; }
    sub remote_branches { grep {m+^remotes/origin/scan-file-+} &all_branches; }

This is hard-coded, so I can't see any way for the user to inject "refs/heads"

> Also, once a
> directory refs/heads/refs/heads exists, "refs/heads/$new_branch" may
> possibly be resolved as a branch with the name refs/heads/$new_branch.

Can you elobarte on this? I don't get what you are trying to say.

As I already said, this happens on opensuse with git-
I have not yet seen this problem on ubuntu with  git-

Josef Wolf
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