On 02/27/2014 08:19 PM, Junio C Hamano wrote:
> Michael Haggerty <mhag...@alum.mit.edu> writes:
>> Sounds good.  I suggest we make your blob a paragraph before the list of
>> bullet points rather than part of the list.  Please suggest some "TBD*"
>> then I'll add it to the text.  Would we also fill in "X" with the name
>> of the actual student involved in the conversation that is pointed to?
> I was not thinking about using a student thread (I do not remember
> having a good on-list interaction with past GSoC students).
> How about using this one from our recent past:
>     http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/239068
> which has the following good points to be used as an example.  It:
>  - involved multiple cycles and multiple reviewers;
>  - showed good response to the comments from the original author;
>    and most importantly
>  - had everything related to the topic in one single neat thread.

Change pushed.  Thanks Junio!


Michael Haggerty
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