
Please don't solve more than one microproject.  Since the coding part is
such a small part of a microproject, doing many is not much more
impressive than doing just one.  And it takes quite a while to come up
with ideas for microprojects!  (I can already see that we are running
out and will need more...)

Rather, please pick one microproject and do it *perfectly*.  And after
you've done that, if you are still itching to do more, then get involved
in other ways, like

* Find *other* little (or big!) problems in the code and either fix them
or suggest them as additions to the list of microprojects for other
students to work on.

* Help review other people's patches--students' or anybody else's.  A
well-thought-out code review is a very valuable thing.

* Fix other things, like documentation.

* Answer questions on the mailing list or in IRC.

* Write tests for bugs that people report on the mailing list.

etc. etc.  In other words, do things that other people on the mailing
list do.


Michael Haggerty
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