On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 11:40 AM, Karsten Blees <karsten.bl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Am 05.06.2014 10:03, schrieb Stepan Kasal:
>> From: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schinde...@gmx.de>
>> Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2010 00:41:33 +0200
>> If HOME is not set, use $HOMEDRIVE$HOMEPATH
>> Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schinde...@gmx.de>
>> Signed-off-by: Stepan Kasal <ka...@ucw.cz>
>> ---
>> Hello Karsten,
>> thanks for your explanation.  There are more things to be done, but
>> I hope you can ack this patch as a step forward.
> No, not really. Its sure better than introducing a special 
> get_home_directory(), but it still increases the diff between upstream and 
> msysgit rather than reducing it. The main critique points still remain:
>  * $HOME is usually set up correctly before calling git, so this is 
> essentially dead code (just checked, portable git's git-bash.bat and 
> git-cmd.bat also do this correctly)

What about when tools like TortoiseGit and Git Extensions call git?
We're not guaranteed that they did the $HOME-dance, are we?

>  * even if $HOME was empty, git should setenv("HOME") so that child processes 
> can benefit from it (similar to TMPDIR and TERM in current msysgit's 
> mingw_startup()). Not setting $HOME because it may hypothetically break child 
> processes is a very weak argument, as we always did set $HOME in etc/profile 
> (since the initial version back in 2007).
>  * no fallback to $USERPROFILE doesn't work with diconnected home share
> If you really have time to spare, I suggest you focus on getting the Unicode 
> patches upstream so that we can progress from there (e.g. move $HOME setup to 
> mingw_startup() so that we can get rid of redundant logic in etc/profile, 
> git-wrapper, git-bash.bat, git-cmd.bat etc.).

Perhaps we can patch up the upstream to better match Git for Windows
without upstreaming the Unicode patches? Don't get me wrong; I think
upstreaming them is a good idea, but in case time is lacking...
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