Stefan Näwe <> writes:

> The manpage of git commit reads:
>   --only
>       Make a commit only from the paths specified on the command line,
>       disregarding any contents that have been staged so far. This is
>       the default mode of operation of git commit if any paths are given
>       on the command line, in which case this option can be omitted. [...]

"--only" is as opposed to "--also".  Two modes of partial commits

 - "--also" which updates the index with the whole contents of the
   given paths and record the resulting index as the tree of the new

 - "--only" which starts from a new temporary index initialized from
   HEAD with the whole contents of the given paths and record the
   resulting index as the tree of the new commit, and then updates
   the original index with the whole contents of the give paths.

In other words, you give paths from the command line to tell the
command that you want to record the contents of them in the working
tree as a whole to be recorded in the resulting commit.
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