Hi Praveen,

On 2015-04-15 16:18, Pirate Praveen wrote:
> On Wednesday 15 April 2015 07:22 PM, Michael J Gruber wrote:
>> What would that require git to do, beyond taking whatever you tell it
>> (using GIT_SSH or _GIT_SSH_COMMAND) to use as a drop in replacement for ssh?
> May be support git+mosh as a protocol, since it is not a drop in
> replacement. It is redesigned remote shell. The ideas it uses for
> session resumption needs to be reimplemented. This will need support
> from git, because it needs server side to be modified. Use SSP to return
> the the current progress for a particular session (it uses AES session ids).

It will need support from Git alright, but not as much as from mosh, see my 
other reply: Mosh was not designed for non-interactive use. That support would 
have to be added before we can go any further.

> So when a client connect with a session id, git server side can respond
> with the current state, how many objects received in that session, and
> client can continue from where it stopped. Client also will need to
> store session information.

No, the protocol can stay exactly the same, once you have a way to communicate 
non-interactively via mosh.

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