Hi Yuval,

On 2015-05-18 08:50, Yuval Greenfield wrote:

> Here is the command sequence that causes git to stop responding:
> mkdir mynewthing
> cd mynewthing
> git init
> mkdir abc
> touch abc/myfile
> git add abc/myfile
> git commit -a -m "whatever"
> git mv abc tmp
> git mv tmp Abc
> I wanted to change the case of a committed folder. Since windows is
> case insensitive that's a bit harder. Perhaps with this version it's
> impossible?
> Here's my git bash banner - "Welcome to Git (version
> 1.9.5-preview20141217)". I'm on Windows 8.1 Pro.

I just tried this with Git for Windows (developers' preview) from 
https://git-for-windows.github.io/ and it did not hang here (currently on a 
Windows 7 box). Could you try that and see whether it works for you?

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