On Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 2:11 PM, Lars Schneider <larsxschnei...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Per platform/compiler (Linux&Mac/clang&gcc) we run two configurations. One
> normal configuration (see the lonely "-" right under "matrix:") and one
> configuration with all sorts of things are disabled ("NO...").
> You can see all 8 configurations ([linux, mac] * [clang, gcc] * [normal,
> NO_...]) here:
> https://travis-ci.org/larsxschneider/git/builds/89598194

Aren't these 8 configurations a bit too much? I see the total running
time is about 2 hours. For my taste, this is way to much to give
developers feedback about the status of their PR. It should be
something < 30 minutes.

IMO, the purpose of the Travis CI configuration mainly is to 1) save
developers work by not requiring to build manually, 2) build on other
platforms than the developer has access to. I doubt that the average
developer manually builds anything close to these 8 configurations
before we had this job, so I wouldn't make it a requirement for Travis
to do much more than a developer could / would to manually.

On the other hand, I see the point in letting a CI system test more
configurations than manually feasible. But that should be done as part
of a different job then. E.g. we could have a "fast" PR validation
job, and a "slow" nightly build job.

Sebastian Schuberth
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