Hi Peff,

On Wed, 28 Oct 2015, Jeff King wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 07:29:39PM -0400, Sean Krauth wrote:
> > This seemed like about as good of an excuse as any to update Git. I
> > was running v. 2.5.1-32-bit and so I downloaded v. 2.6.2-32-bit,
> > installed it. And it ran, kinda. I no longer seem to have access to
> > any of my old commits and when I try to "git init" or "git status" I
> > get the above error, "fatal: Unable to read current working directory:
> > No error". This error pops up for anything, even new files that never
> > had a repository.
> That message means that getcwd() is failing.

Quite possible. If the path is too long, for example, that might happen.
We have support for `core.longpaths` in Git for Windows, but it will only
help to a certain extent.

> It sounds like you're on a Windows system, and the problem may be
> system-specific. You might try asking at the specific Git for Windows
> list:
>   https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!forum/git-for-windows
> though many of those people do frequent this list, too.

Actually, I would much prefer proper bug reports in the GitHub issue
tracker, as described in https://git-for-windows.github.io/#contribute (in
particular, I would like bug reporters to at least *skim* the guide lines
you would be surprised how many reports leave out pretty much all
interesting metadata, essentially stating "something broke, somewhere",
hoping that I can reproduce magically some vaguely described issue, which
of course I cannot, but I still have to spend hours just to figure that

I would like to keep the Google Group only for Windows-specific questions
that do not necessarily involve a bug in our software.

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