Hi Chaz,

On Mon, 16 Nov 2015, Chaz wrote:

> An origin git repository has been setup.  Added a remote repository 
> (remotegit).
> "git remote -v show" displays both origin and remote links.
> What is the best way to copy a single file from the remote repo to the 
> origin repo?

This is not specific to Windows, so it would be more appropriate to send
this question to the Git mailing list (Cc:ed).

Git is not designed to download specific files, at least not by default.

Having said that, some remotes are configured to allow downloading
archives and in such a case you might be able to specify something like
`git archive --remote=<remote> HEAD:README`, but I am personally unaware
of any remote that supports this.

Your best bet may be to fetch an individual ref with the `--shallow`

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