On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 06:29:57PM -0500, Jeff King wrote:

> The best solution here would be to have a full parsing loop
> that handles all options, but only calls setup_git_directory
> as appropriate. Unfortunately, that's a bit complicated to
> implement. We _have_ to handle each option in the order it
> appears on the command line. If the caller asked for:
>   git rev-parse --resolve-git-dir foo/.git --show-toplevel
> then it must receive the two lines of output in the correct
> to know which is which. But asking for:
>   git rev-parse --show-toplevel --resolve-git-dir foo/.git
> is weird; we have to setup_git_directory() for the first
> option.
> So any implementation would probably have to either:
>   - make two passes over the options, first figuring out
>     whether we need a git-dir, and then actually handling
>     the options. That's possible, but it's probably not
>     worth the trouble.
>   - call setup_git_directory() on the fly when an option
>     needs it; that requires annotating all of the options,
>     and there are a considerable number of them.

Having just sent this, of course, it occurs to me that a loop like:

   for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
        if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--local-env-vars"))
        ... and other nongit-ok options ...
        if (nongit)
                die("need a repo");
        if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--git-dir"))
        ... and other options ...

would probably work. It does still leave things like --parseopt and
--sq-quote as one-offs, though, because they consume the rest of the
command line. And the fact remains that --local-repo-env isn't really
suitable for use with other options.

So I'm still tempted by this "lazy" approach.

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