On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 8:33 PM, Michael J Gruber
<g...@drmicha.warpmail.net> wrote:
> In hindsight, what happened must have been like this:
> "ahead " was marked properly for l10n and translated in the past.
> 7a76c28 (status: disable translation when --porcelain is used,
> 2014-03-20) introduced those extra parentheses. Matthieu probably didn't
> rerun "make pot" and "msgmerge" so that he didn't notice the consequences.

.po(t) files are _very_ noisy because they record line numbers and
that pretty much guarantees huge diffs. Even I as a former translator
do not want to "make pot" and see the differences. If only msgmerge
supports an output without line numbers...
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