I would like to direct you to the TechCrunch article that you said was 
This article is not biased in the least, it talks about what gamergate 
actually is.
Also, I have already seen people who have used github in the past, delete 
their github accounts because of your choice to remove the content in 
You are losing customers because of this. I hope you know that.

On Monday, October 6, 2014 5:12:12 AM UTC-7, sytse wrote:
> Dear GitLab friends, (/cc GitLab-core)
> I want to get your opinion on the following.
> Yesterday the GamerGate repo was set up at 
> https://gitlab.com/gamergate/gamergate. This repo was removed from other 
> hosting services for organized harassment.
> In response to questions on twitter (and without informing myself or 
> looking at the repo) I indicated that all respectful people are welcome in 
> https://twitter.com/gitlabhq/status/518391065037258752
> I didn't see previous discussion about this at Gitorious 
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/gitorious/YX8O-gF1KSw/discussion
> I feel very uncomfortable with the whole situation. The repo itself seems 
> to call for boycotts (which is something people are free to do). But some 
> instructions in the repo are for twitter and email spam via throwaway 
> accounts, for example
> gamergate/blob/master/Twitter%20Flooding%20Instructions.md
> "Make a cock.li/Gmail throwaway email address if you don't want your new 
> Twitter account to be linked to your main email address.
> Create your new Twitter account, using your new email address if 
> appropriate. Also make sure to choose a Twitter username not associated 
> with any of your other accounts, to reduce doxxing risks."
> Spamming people is not OK as far as I'm concerned and our reason for 
> removing this repo, in accordance with our terms: "Termination. Gitlab B.V. 
> may terminate your access to all or any part of the Website at any time, 
> with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately."
> The worst thing is that there seems to be systematic harassment of people 
> (especially women) by this campaign. If so this is terrible and something 
> that we absolutely condone. But I'm not sure what happened or if  this is 
> related to this repo so this didn't factor into our decision making.
> Best regards,
> Sytse Sijbrandij
> CEO GitLab B.V.

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