On 10/01/2012 01:46 PM, Felipe Torres wrote:

I dont actually know what this error means in the installation... Any help is appreciated.

[root@localhost gitorious]# rake gems:install --trace
(in /var/www/gitorious)
** Invoke gems:install (first_time)
** Invoke gems:base (first_time)
** Execute gems:base
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
rake aborted!
Your config/gitorious.yml does not have an entry for your current Rails environment. Please consult config/gitorious.sample.yml for instructions.

It means you have not either:
- created a section for your current Rails environment (usually production) to config/gitorious.yml - specified the Rails environment when your command is run (eg. RAILS_ENV=production rake gems:install)

Sounds like the latter from what you mentioned.

That being said, you shouldn't run rake gems:install unless you're running with a very old version of Gitorious. Use `bundle install` instead.

- Marius

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