Daniel Mendez writes:
> hello people I have a doubt with the installation of gitorious. I know that
> the documentation says that gitorious assumes that "Gitorious is not sharing
> the server with other webapps, and is the sole subscriber to the Underlying
> message queues and services" but where I want to install gitorious already
> running mysql and apache. It is feasible to modify the installer to use the
> database that is already on the server and can coexist with the other
> services. I can not have gitorious alone.

While it *should* be possible to run the installer on a server with
existing databases and webapps it really is designed for a freshly setup
machine. It would probably make more sense to run the installer on a
fresh server and then migrate any other sites onto that
afterwards. Please note, however, that the installer will set up Nginx,
not Apache.

If your server is running on "bare metal", one option would be to set
Gitorious up on a virtual machine on that server.

- Marius

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