> Sorry, Chris posted this for me as my messages didn't seem to be going
> through. I see both of them now, though.


> Regardless, the majority of the changes are to move the application to a
> new location on the filesystem to keep within our standards. The stack as I
> currently have it configured is nginx, unicorn, stompserver, resque, native
> git-daemon with the git-proxy, thinking-sphinx (bundle exec rake ts:start),
> and mysql.

Okay. You won't be needing the stompserver though, Redis+Resque takes
care of the messaging stuff now.

> gitorious_status claims everything is up except for git-daemon and mysql.
> I've logged into mysql with the username and pass which gitorious is
> configured to use and I see that the database is there. And I have cloned
> from the lone repository I've been testing with using the git:// url, so
> the git-proxy -> git-daemon interaction seems to be working.

We have been seeing some issues with Monit not handling the
git-{daemons,proxy} setup properly. We will probably be switching to
using Upstart for these two instead of Monit, here's a Puppet recipe
which relieves Monit of this responsibility and uses Upstart for it

The way this works is:
- the resque-worker is started when runlevel 3 (or 5) is entered.
- once the resque-worker is up, the git-daemons are started too
- once the git-daemons are started, the git-proxy is started
- when shutting down, the opposite happens

There seems to be an edge case where both the resque-worker and
git-proxy will shut down the first time they're started (maybe an
init.d-based service hasn't started yet?) so the recipe above has a
respawn instruction which handles this.

> I did have to create init scripts for the git daemon, as running it through
> xinet.d wasn't working (it will not accept port/listen arguments in inet
> mode). I also created one for stompserver, as it was not starting along
> with everything else either.

Re. the inet.d setup, I've been experiencing the same trying to use
Systemd socket activation for Ruby-based servers. Shame.

- Marius

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