On Friday, October 3, 2014 10:43:29 PM UTC-4, Michael Reilly wrote:
> After github closed the gamersgate repository for TOS violation, they 
> migrated to gitorious.

Which the repo being in violation of the ToS is a lie, but do go on.

> Essentially, the entire repository revolves around finding people of interest 
> for doxxing. 

Find and contacting representatives of companies is considered doxxing? This 
sort of behavior has been going on well before the creation of the internet. I 
mean every time someone went to complain about a product ever that would be 
considered doxxing. 

>After github closed the repo the employee responsible has been targeted as 
>well, and his personal info has been partially compromised.

If by targeted you mean I personally found tweets proving that he was engaging 
in harassing behavior, while his twitter profile said he worked at Github, then 
yes I "compromised" him. I spent 10 minutes finding him and collecting his 
public tweets and another 5 minutes making an image macro that circulated 
around. I had actually had conversations with him over #GamerGate and so it 
wasnt hard to find him. 

I even found the tweet where he gleefully informed his friend that the repo was 
gone like he was proud of what he had done.

I also found another Github employee who was *actively* abusing people using 
the #GamerGate tag and also engaged in doxxing people who were contacting 
Github support through their contact form about the matter. He also didnt think 
it was wrong to violate Github's own privacy policy by doing this.

I find it odd that you feel that a business should not know what their 
employees are doing to their own business that can negatively affect it. Or do 
you believe I'm censoring them? Do you support people who believe in deleting 
someone's data because they, or their friends, personally dont like it? Why 
should any company ever use Github knowing that if they piss off an employee of 
Github that their hard work could just evaporate? 

Get over yourself thinking you have some high morality when you cant see what 
consequences there is deleting a repo under false pretenses purely for 
political reasons.

> This repo also seems to violate gitorious's TOS. So I would urge you to deal 
> with this matter.

Explain how it violates the ToS? We already know that there is nothing in the 
repo condoning harassment. We already know contacting businesses is not 
harassment or "doxxing", so what argument do you have other than you personally 
just dont like it?

> Thanks.

No, no thank you.

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