Dear GKD Members,

In the mid 80s bitter struggle between the coal-miners and Conservative
Government in the UK a friend, active in the solidarity capmaign, (er,
for the miners) was describing a weekend of action in pit-villages to a
group of College lecturers. Sensing from one sneering response that he
could be in for a long, tedious 'back to basics' argument he said, "and
I eat lentils too", in an attempt to quickly confirm the questioners
suspicions that he belonged to an alien belief system. Meat eating
progressives kept their heads down in London in those days, but they
weren't all creationists.

At WSIS 03 there was an excellent debate about FOSS, more polemical than
evidence based. I haven't been able to find yet a similar meeting in the
WSIS 05 programme. It would be good to try and arrange a time when
programmes like AVOIR could present their findings to an audience that
could also hear the evidence that Richard Heeks refers to from a rather
depressing (to those of us who are more advocate than academic) FOSS
session at the DSA meeting this year. Any suggestions?

Pete Cranston

Senior Advisor
OneWorld UK
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