[Comment to Simon Marlow:
        Does happyReduce_1 really need *eight* type parameters?
        Why not output type signatures?

I respectfully suggest that the enclosed is a bug in Hugs.  
GHC gets the following type for happyReduce_1, which I think
is the correct type:

happyReduce_1 _:_ _forall_ [a b c d e f g]
                => PrelBase.Int
                -> a
                -> b
                -> [HappyState a ([HappyAbsSyn (e -> PrelBase.Double) 
                                               [(d, e -> f)]
                                  ] -> c
                -> [HappyAbsSyn (e -> PrelBase.Double) [(d, e -> f)] g]
                -> c ;;

This is enough to deduce that
the second type parameter for HappyAbsSyn is "list of something"
and hence enough to deduce which instance of Functor is needed.

I'm not surprised thad making action_0 self-recursive
makes the program really ambiguous, because we lose the type clue
in happyReduce_2 that the second type parameter is a list.


Forwarded Message

Date:    Fri, 13 Feb 98 17:13:41 +0100
From:    Jon Mountjoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:      Haskell Bugs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Typing (Hugs/GHC)


While playing with Happy I managed to generate a Haskell program
which compiles fine under ghc but not under Hugs.  I don't know which
one is the culprit....

In Hugs(January 1998), one gets

     ERROR "hugs.hs" (line 32): Unresolved top-level overloading
     *** Binding             : happyReduce_1
     *** Outstanding context : Functor b

where line 32 is the one marked -- ##

It compiles in ghc-3.00.  Changing very small things, like the
line marked ---**** to 
      action_0 (6) = happyShift action_0        ---****

then makes ghc produce a similar message:

   Cannot resolve the ambiguous context (Functor a1Ab)
   `Functor a1Ab' arising from use of `reduction', at hugs.hs:37

I am afraid that I could not make a smaller program give me this
behaviour....perhaps this should be copied to hugs bugs as well?

Since the programs don't use any fancy type classes etc., one would
hope that either both compilers would accept or reject the program.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

- -- parser produced by Happy Version 1.5

data HappyAbsSyn t1 t2 t3
        = HappyTerminal Token
        | HappyErrorToken Int
        | HappyAbsSyn1 t1
        | HappyAbsSyn2 t2
        | HappyAbsSyn3 t3

action_0 (6) = happyShift action_3        ---*****
action_0 (1) = happyGoto action_1
action_0 (2) = happyGoto action_2
action_0 _ = happyFail

action_1 (7) = happyAccept
action_1 _ = happyFail

action_2 _ = happyReduce_1

action_3 (5) = happyShift action_4
action_3 _ = happyFail

action_4 (4) = happyShift action_6
action_4 (3) = happyGoto action_5
action_4 _ = happyFail

action_5 _ = happyReduce_2

action_6 _ = happyReduce_3

happyReduce_1 = happySpecReduce_1 1 reduction where {    -- ##
        (HappyAbsSyn2  happy_var_1)
         =  HappyAbsSyn1
                 (\p -> let q = map (\(x,y) -> (x,y p)) happy_var_1 in  (10.1))
  reduction _  = notHappyAtAll }

happyReduce_2 = happySpecReduce_3 2 reduction where {
        (HappyAbsSyn3  happy_var_3)
        (HappyTerminal (TokenVar happy_var_1))
         =  HappyAbsSyn2
  reduction _ _ _  = notHappyAtAll }

happyReduce_3 = happySpecReduce_1 3 reduction where {
        (HappyTerminal (TokenInt happy_var_1))
         =  HappyAbsSyn3
                 (\p -> happy_var_1);
  reduction _  = notHappyAtAll }

happyNewToken action sts stk [] =
        action 7 7 (error "reading EOF!") (HappyState action) sts stk []

happyNewToken action sts stk (tk:tks) =
        let cont i = action i i tk (HappyState action) sts stk tks in
        case tk of {
        TokenInt happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 4;
        TokenEq -> cont 5;
        TokenVar happy_dollar_dollar -> cont 6;

happyThen = \m k -> k m
happyReturn = \a tks -> a
myparser = happyParse

happyError ::[Token] -> a
happyError _ = error "Parse error\n"

- --Here are our tokens
data Token  = 
              TokenInt Int
            | TokenVar String
            | TokenEq
            deriving Show

main = print (myparser [] [])
- -- $Id: HappyTemplate,v 1.8 1997/12/04 15:07:21 simonm Exp $

        The stack is in the following order throughout the parse:

        i       current token number
        j       another copy of this to avoid messing with the stack
        tk      current token semantic value
        st      current state
        sts     state stack
        stk     semantic stack
- -}

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

happyParse = happyNewToken action_0 [] []

- -- All this HappyState stuff is simply because we can't have recursive
- -- types in Haskell without an intervening data structure.

newtype HappyState b c = HappyState
        (Int ->                         -- token number
         Int ->                         -- token number (yes, again)
         b ->                           -- token semantic value
         HappyState b c ->              -- current state
         [HappyState b c] ->            -- state stack

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Accepting the parse

happyAccept j tk st sts [ HappyAbsSyn1 ans ] = happyReturn ans
happyAccept j tk st sts _                    = notHappyAtAll

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Shifting a token

happyShift new_state (-1) tk st sts stk@(HappyErrorToken i : _) =
- --     _trace "shifting the error token" $
     new_state i i tk (HappyState new_state) (st:sts) stk

happyShift new_state i tk st sts stk =
     happyNewToken new_state (st:sts) (HappyTerminal tk:stk)

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Reducing

- -- happyReduce is specialised for the common cases.

- -- don't allow reductions when we're in error recovery, because this can
- -- lead to an infinite loop.

happySpecReduce_0 i fn (-1) tk _ sts stk
     = case sts of
        st@(HappyState action):sts -> action (-1) (-1) tk st sts stk
        _ -> happyError
happySpecReduce_0 i fn j tk st@(HappyState action) sts stk
     = action i j tk st (st:sts) (fn : stk)

happySpecReduce_1 i fn (-1) tk _ (st@(HappyState action):sts) stk
     = action (-1) (-1) tk st sts stk
happySpecReduce_1 i fn j tk _ sts@(st@(HappyState action):_) (v1:stk')
     = action i j tk st sts (fn v1 : stk')
happySpecReduce_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _
     = notHappyAtAll

happySpecReduce_2 i fn (-1) tk _ (st@(HappyState action):sts) stk
     = action (-1) (-1) tk st sts stk
happySpecReduce_2 i fn j tk _ (_:sts@(st@(HappyState action):_)) (v1:v2:stk')
     = action i j tk st sts (fn v1 v2 : stk')
happySpecReduce_2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _
     = notHappyAtAll

happySpecReduce_3 i fn (-1) tk _ (st@(HappyState action):sts) stk
     = action (-1) (-1) tk st sts stk
happySpecReduce_3 i fn j tk _ (_:_:sts@(st@(HappyState action):_)) 
     = action i j tk st sts (fn v1 v2 v3 : stk')
happySpecReduce_3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _
     = notHappyAtAll

happyReduce k i fn (-1) tk _ (st@(HappyState action):sts) stk
     = action (-1) (-1) tk st sts stk
happyReduce k i fn j tk st sts stk = action i j tk st' sts' (fn stk)
       where sts'@(st'@(HappyState action):_) = drop (k::Int) (st:sts)

happyMonadReduce k i c fn (-1) tk _ sts stk
      = case sts of
             (st@(HappyState action):sts) -> action (-1) (-1) tk st sts stk
             [] -> happyError
happyMonadReduce k i c fn j tk st sts stk =
        happyThen (fn stk) (\r -> action i j tk st' sts' (c r : stk'))
       where sts'@(st'@(HappyState action):_) = drop (k::Int) (st:sts)
             stk' = drop (k::Int) stk

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Moving to a new state after a reduction

happyGoto action j tk st = action j j tk (HappyState action)

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Error recovery (-1 is the error token)

- -- fail if we are in recovery and no more states to discard
happyFail  (-1) tk st' [] stk = happyError

- -- discard a state
happyFail  (-1) tk st' (st@(HappyState action):sts) stk =
- --    _trace "discarding state" $
        action (-1) (-1) tk st sts stk

- -- Enter error recovery: generate an error token,
- --                     save the old token and carry on.

- -- we push the error token on the stack in anticipation of a shift,
- -- and also because this is a convenient place to store the saved token.

happyFail  i tk st@(HappyState action) sts stk =
- --    _trace "entering error recovery" $
        action (-1) (-1) tk st sts (HappyErrorToken i : stk)

- -- Internal happy errors:

notHappyAtAll = error "Internal Happy error\n"

- -- end of Happy Template.

------- End of Forwarded Message

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