On Mon, Aug 02, 1999 at 12:54:23 +0100, Marc van Dongen wrote:
> I've noticed that as well. Code like
> does not produce proper error messages anymore which it did with
> ghc-4.02. One wonders where the performance boost came from:-)
> $ cat tmp.lhs
> > module Main( main ) where
> > main = putStr $ show q
> >      where q = quot 1 0
> $ a.out
> Arithmetic Exception (core dumped)

Yes, but:

module Main( main ) where
main = putStr $ show q
     where q = quot 1 (0::Int)
gives: Fail: Prelude.Integral.quot{Int}: divide by 0

IIRC, Integer isn't Div-By-Zero-checked (for performance reasons).

But my core dumps, don't give any "blahblah exception (core dumped)"
messages. The programs just die (at a very early stage). I still think, it's
something with glibc stuff...

XXXVI:  The thickness of the proposal required to win a multimillion dollar
        contract is about one millimeter per million dollars.  If all the
        proposals conforming to this standard were piled on top of each other
        at the bottom of the Grand Canyon it would probably be a good idea.

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