Volker Wysk wrote:
On Tuesday 08 August 2006 14:08, GHC wrote:

#843: Dependency information for the linking step
- Reporter:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     |          Owner:
     Type:  feature request        |         Status:  new
 Priority:  normal                 |      Milestone:
Component:  Compiler               |        Version:  6.4.1
 Severity:  normal                 |     Resolution:
 Keywords:  dependency generation  |             Os:  Linux
Difficulty:  Easy (1 hr)            |   Architecture:  Unknown
- Comment (by simonmar):

Then I have another trick for you:

ghc --make -pgml echo Main.hs -v0 | ghc -e 'interact (unwords . filter
(".o" `Data.List.isSuffixOf`) . words)'

Does this solve the problem?

Yes! I have no idea what's going on, though.

"-pgml echo" uses "echo" as the linker program, so the linker command line is sent to stdout, then we pipe it through something that extracts the object filenames - I used ghc -e, but you could use sed or perl or something else. The version I gave above doesn't work properly if the filenames contain spaces.

However, it triggers another problem, which I haven't reported. When calling "ghc -M src/prog.hs", where "prog.hs" is the main module, then the name of the object file is reported as "src/prog.o". When calling it in conjunction with "-odir", such as "ghc -M -odir build src/prog.hs", then you get "build/Main.o". Of course this can't be used, because all of the programs' main modules become "build/Main.o".

This isn't a bug, it's the defined behaviour of -odir.  See the documentation:



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