(I can't resist the opportunity to extend this conversation to 3 Simons :-)

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
| OPTIONS_GHC pragmas allow warnings to be enabled or disabled for a
| particular file, but there are some limitations:
|  * It doesn't override command-line settings (being tacked on the start,
| rather than the end, of the options lists, I believe)

I don't think this is right -- or if it is, it's a bug.  The OPTIONS_GHC stuff 
is supposed to override command-line opts

The Users Guide says:

NOTE: the contents of OPTIONS_GHC are prepended to the command-line options, so you do have the ability to override OPTIONS_GHC settings via the command line.

So GHC is at least behaving as documented.

|  * It doesn't work on sections of the code, but rather the whole file.

True, and it'd be great to give more local pragma control -- a good feature 
request.  Someone might want to work out details of the programmer's eye view 
and make a Trac feature request

There's a ticket for it:



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