{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-overlapping-instances #-}


Hi Mike,

You might heterogeneous lists useful.
See the treatment of your example below.



import HList
import HTypeDriven

-- These are your two "implementations".

data MyImplementation1 = MyImplementation1 Int deriving (Show,Eq)
data MyImplementation2 = MyImplementation2 Int deriving (Show,Eq)

-- This is your interface class and the two instances.

class MyInterface a 
  foo :: a -> Int

instance MyInterface MyImplementation1
  foo (MyImplementation1 i) = i

instance MyInterface MyImplementation2
  foo (MyImplementation2 i) = i

-- Here is your list,
-- without the noise you don't like.

list1 =  MyImplementation1 10
     .*. MyImplementation2 20
     .*. HNil

-- If you like, this is the type, but it is not needed.
-- This list is not opaque. Less trouble in our experience.
-- (When compared to using existentials.)

type MyList =  MyImplementation1
           :*: MyImplementation2
           :*: HNil

-- Perhaps you want to make sure that you have a list of implementations
-- of MyInterface. Here is *one* way to do it. But you don't need to this
-- because this will be automatically checked (statically) whenever you
-- try to use the fooISH interface.

class ListOfMyInterface l
  listOfMyInterface :: l -> l
  listOfMyInterface = id

instance ListOfMyInterface HNil
instance ( MyInterface e
         , ListOfMyInterface l
      =>   ListOfMyInterface (HCons e l)

-- So you apply the id function with the side effect of statically 
-- ensuring that you are given a list of implementations of MyInterface.

list2 :: MyList
list2 = listOfMyInterface list1

-- Here is another way to do it.
-- You apply a heterogenous fold to the list.
-- This second solution is just for fun.

data ImplementsMyInterface = ImplementsMyInterface

instance HApply ImplementsMyInterface (e,l) (HCons e l)
  hApply _ (e,l) = HCons e l

myKindOfList l = hFoldr ImplementsMyInterface HNil l

-- Basically again you apply the identity function; a deep one this time.

list3 :: MyList
list3 = myKindOfList list1

-- Your quality can indeed not work because the existentially quantified
-- implementations are of course opaque. You can just compare apples and
-- oranges. Equality of heterogeneous lists is trivial; it is just derived.
-- To make it a little bit more interesting, we can consider heterogeneous
-- or stanamic equality. So you will always get a Boolean even for lists
-- of different types. See below.

-- Here is your bar function
-- It uses one sort of maps on heterogeneous lists.

bar :: MyList -> Int
bar = sum . hMapOut Foo

data Foo = Foo -- type driver for class-level application

instance MyInterface e => HApply Foo e Int
  hApply _ e = foo e


Demo follows.

*Main> :l gh-users-040607.hs
Compiling FakePrelude      ( ./FakePrelude.hs, interpreted )
Compiling HType            ( HType.hs, interpreted )
Compiling HList            ( ./HList.hs, interpreted )
Compiling HArray           ( ./HArray.hs, interpreted )
Compiling HTypeDriven      ( ./HTypeDriven.hs, interpreted )
Compiling Main             ( gh-users-040607.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main, HTypeDriven, HArray, HList, HType, FakePrelude.
*Main> list1
HCons (MyImplementation1 10) (HCons (MyImplementation2 20) HNil)
*Main> bar list1
*Main> list1 == list1
*Main> list1 `hEqList` hReverse list1



Mike Aizatsky wrote:

>I'm in process of rewriting the old Java application. While this is for sure
>lots of fun, there're some problems in modeling the java interfaces.
>Here's the common Java scenario (it's actually the pattern, common for all
>OO-languages, so there should be no problems in understanding it):
>interface MyInterface {
>       int foo();
>class MyImplementation1 implements MyInterface { int foo() {...} }
>class MyImplementation2 implements MyInterface { int foo() {...} }
>And, somewhere in the code:
>int bar(List<MyInterface> list) { .... sum up all foos & return .... }
>I've found quite an obvious translation of it to Haskell:
>module Ex where
>class MyInterface a where
>       foo :: a -> Int
>data AnyMyInterface = forall a. (MyInterface a) => AnyMyInterface a
>instance MyInterface AnyMyInterface where
>       foo (AnyMyInterface a) = foo a
>data MyImplementation1 = MyImplementation1 Int
>instance MyInterface MyImplementation1 where
>       foo(MyImplementation1 i) = i
>data MyImplementation2 = MyImplementation2 Int
>instance MyInterface MyImplementation2 where
>       foo(MyImplementation2 i) = i
>type MyList = [AnyMyInterface]
>list1 :: MyList
>list1 = [AnyMyInterface (MyImplementation1 10), AnyMyInterface
>(MyImplementation2 20)]
>bar :: MyList -> Int
>bar l = sum (map foo l)
>However there're some problems with this way to go:
>1. It's quite verbose. I already have a dozen of such interfaces, and I'm a
>bit tired of writing all this AnyInterface stuff. I'm already thinking about
>writing the Template Haskell code to generate it. Is anything similar
>available around?
>2. I don't like the fact that I need to wrap all implementations inside the
>AnyMyInterface when returning values (see list1). Any way to get rid of it?
>3. The big problem. I can't make AnyMyInterface to be an instance of Eq. I
>data AnyMyInterface = forall a. (MyInterface a, Eq a) => AnyMyInterface a
>instance Eq AnyMyInterface where
>       (==) (AnyMyInterface a1) (AnyMyInterface a2) = a1 == a2
>And it gives me an error (ghc 6.2.1):
>    Inferred type is less polymorphic than expected
>        Quantified type variable `a1' is unified with another quantified
>type variable `a'
>    When checking an existential match that binds
>        a1 :: a
>        a2 :: a1
>    The pattern(s) have type(s): AnyMyInterface
>                                 AnyMyInterface
>    The body has type: Bool
>    In the definition of `==':
>        == (AnyMyInterface a1) (AnyMyInterface a2) = a1 == a2
>    In the definition for method `=='
>Honestly, I don't understand what's going on. My guess is that the problem
>comes from the fact that a1 & a2 might be of different Implementations. Is
>it right? Any way to define the Eq instance of AnyMyInterface?
>So, it looks like that existential data types do allow you to mimic the
>polymorphic data structures, found in OO languages. But it results in much
>more verbose code. Are there any other ways to do the same stuff?
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