Neil Mitchell wrote:
Hi Brian,

So here I am, trying to figure out
what I can do to help GHC, since right now GHC is the only actively
maintained, current Haskell compiler available.
nhc98 and Yhc are both compilers which are actively maintained.

 (In any case, nhc98
uses GMP as well, so even if you use nhc98 you will still have the
DLL-NOTES problem to deal with.)
However, Yhc has a bytecode/runtime split, the runtime is Yhc and is
linked with GMP. The bytecode is not linked to GMP. In fact, even if
GMP was GPL (rather than just LGPL), Yhc would still allow you to have
entirely closed source bytecodes. So with Yhc you can have big numbers
and closed source :)

Hi Neil - thanks for the info about Yhc.

Best regards, Brian.

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Yet still phantoms restless for eras long past,
congealed in the present in unthought forms,
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