"Tomasz Zielonka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
> BTW. The -fno-recomp option has a very unintuitive name, at least for
> me. When I see "-fno-recomp", my brain thinks "no recompilation",
> meaning "no unneccesary recompilation", which is what --make does by
> default. Using "-fno-recomp" causes all modules to be recompiled,
> whether they changed or not. I think one of -frecomp or
> -fno-recomp-checking would be much clearer. But it's probably too
> late to change that...

I believe this is worth fixing. Everytime I see "-fno-recomp" I always read 
it as no recompilation.
A synonym could be added in 6.6.
I would suggest -fforce-recomp for force recompilation.

In 6.8 -fno-recomp could be flagged as obsolete.
In 7.0 it could be removed.


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