On 29/03/2007, at 11:38, Mike Hamburg wrote:

Is there any way to use RULES substitutions with type classes?

I'm writing a reactive programming arrow (same idea as Yampa, different design goals), and it would help performance (and not just in the speed sense) to be able to tell when a value derived with arr hasn't changed. So I'd like to be able to specialize arr to functions whose result is an
instance of Eq.

I tried
{-# RULES "reactiveArr/Eq" reactiveArr = reactiveArrEq #-}
but got the message

    No instance for (Eq b)
      arising from instantiating a type signature
      at Control/Arrow/Reactive/Reactive.hs:89:41-89
    Possible fix: add (Eq b) to the tcRule
    When checking the transformation rule "reactiveArr/Eq"

I tried adding various sorts of type signatures, but I couldn't find any way around this... is it a restriction in the RULES rewrite engine? Is there a workaround, or some mechanism other than RULES that I should be
using?  I could write a special "arrEq" function, but I'd like to
minimize the number of extraneous operations outside the Arrow class.

I thought this could be done already. In ghc 6.7:

{-# RULES "hello/helloBool" hello = helloBool #-}
{-# RULES "hello/helloEq" forall (x::Eq a=>a) . hello x = helloEq x #-}
{-# RULES "hello/helloF" forall (f::Eq b=>a->b) . hello f = helloF f #-}

data O = O

hello _ = "hello"

helloBool :: Bool -> String
helloBool _ = "hello bool"

helloEq :: Eq a => a -> String
helloEq _ = "hello Eq"

helloF :: Eq b => (a->b) -> String
helloF _ = "hello F"

f :: Eq b => String -> b
f = undefined

normal = hello O
bool = hello False
char = hello 'a'feq :: String
feq  = hello (f::String -> Bool)


pep:~/code/snippets$ ghc -O -fglasgow-exts -c rules.hs
pep:~/code/snippets$ ghci rules.hs
   ___         ___ _
  / _ \ /\  /\/ __(_)
/ /_\// /_/ / / | | GHC Interactive, version 6.7.20070303, for Haskell 98.
/ /_\\/ __  / /___| |      http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
\____/\/ /_/\____/|_|      Type :? for help.

Loading package base ... linking ... done.
[1 of 1] Skipping  Rules            ( rules.hs, rules.o )
Ok, modules loaded: Rules.
Prelude Rules> normal
Prelude Rules> bool
"hello bool"
Prelude Rules> char
"hello Eq"
Prelude Rules> feq
"hello F"

Is that what you wanted?

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