Agreed, this would improve usability of binary GHC releases a lot, and I
don't see any downsides.



* Carter Schonwald <> [2014-01-19 19:02:27-0500]
> Hey everyone,
> I'd like to propose that GHC releases 7.8.1 onwards include a cabal-install
> (aka cabal) executable, but not include the library deps of cabal-install
> that aren't already distributed with ghc.(unless ghc should have those deps
> baked in, which theres very very good reasons not to do.).
> currently if someone wants just a basic haskell install of the freshest ghc
>  they have to install a ghc bindist, then do a boostrap build of
> cabal-install by hand (if they want to actually get anything done :) ).
> This is not a human friendly situation for folks who are new to haskell
> tooling, but want to try out haskell dev on a server style vm or the like!
> point being: It'd be great for haskell usability (and egads amounts of
> config time, even by seasoned users) the ghc bindists / installers included
> a cabal-install binary
> thoughts?
> -Carter

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