On Mon, 5 Feb 2007, Udo Giacomozzi wrote:

Hello everybody,

 my apologies that I could not follow Gnash development in the past
 weeks because of lots of other work. Things are becoming better now,
 but my time is still limited. Especially tomorrow I will port Gnash
 to a new small embedded device.

Welcome back!

 Well, there have been lots of traffic on list and it's difficult for
 me to read through everything to catch up. Can somebody please bring
 me quickly up-to-date, especially what's have been done and is till
 outstanding in the backend (especially AGG) field?

 AFAIK video support is still missing in AGG, correct?

I added an initial implementation of drawVideoFrame for AGG. It's a very crude implementation that blits the source RGB data into the AGG buffer. (But it works.) It doesn't do scaling yet, though.

Other than that, there have been many developments. A lot of work has gone into the parser. We also have an initial implementation of a Gnash media server called Cygnal. There is now an FLTK2 GUI, which may prove useful for porting to embedded platforms.

I'm sure there are a lot of things I'm neglecting to mention here.


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