On 09/10/09 08:02, Udo Giacomozzi wrote:
Hello Rob,

Whatever is easier. I think I ran into other problems trying ffmpeg
(can't remember which, exactly).

With ffmpeg, some versions do have build problems, but Gnash isn't picky about which version of ffmpeg you have.

IMHO you should not need this particular archive at all, since it's
QTExtended-related. The main SDK is another one (mentioned in my other

  Sorry, I didn't use the addons, but the newer SDK you mentioned.

Can you tell me exactly which modifications you made? So I can let the
people at SDG Systems know...

Basically I just installed your other libraries and headers correctly. You were trying to use some things out of the build trees, so all I did was just install them.

I prefer not to mix up the original SDK with "my own" libs and so keep
them in a separate place together with Gnash. Same applies for the
firmware on the device. We try to avoid much changes of the original
firmware and just add our own software (that's why Gnash and all of
it's required libs are stored together in one directory). Otherwise it
becomes difficult to keep a number of physical devices up to date..

I installed them in the SDK, but it just makes things easier. The other way is fine too, you just need to specify several --with-*= options. I out them all together to make it easier for others to build Gnash for Nomad.

RS>  The other problem was the Gstreamer headers wanted
RS>  libxml2 headers, which we don't look for.

That's why I use

Which is now fixed, in trunk. When cross compiling with gst, configure now looks for libxml2 itself.

Perhaps you could get in touch with Todd Blumer, President of SDG
Systems. He showed interest into my efforts to bring Gnash to the

I talked to Todd a few years ago about the StudentMate, but it's been awhile. It'd probably be Trimble we'd need to ask about a Nomad for testing.

I did a fresh bzr checkout into a empty directory and tried to build
Gnash (same configure options as last time).

It fails with a bunch of error messages right at the beginning:

rc.h:32:29: error: boost/cstdint.hpp: No such file or directory
rc.h:33:31: error: boost/tokenizer.hpp: No such file or directory

  Needs the path to boost if you aren't using my sysroot.

I could successfully build Gnash *without* any modifications to the

  The mods were minor, just adding the same missing libraries you did.

Gnash runs now. I've got no audio so far, but that's because GST
cannot find the required plugins for audio/mpeg.

  You'll have to figure that out by yourself. :-)

        - rob -

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