On 02/11/10 14:31, Benjamin Wolsey wrote:

> So there's no doubt we should be doing this, but the flip side is that
> it creates more opportunities to hang the browser, so maybe it needs
> more than a couple of days' testing before going into a release.

  I agree it's a good idea to handle this correct, I just have to decide
whether the release should wait for it or not. Just before your email
arrived, I had just uploaded source tarballs, debs, and rpms, and was
about to ask for pre-release testing. :-) They're all at
http:///www.getgnash/packages/pre-release-testing/. Actually regardless
of this issue, I'd love to see some testing of the release candidates.

  While rebuilding the packages if I applied this patch is easy, it's
the time for properly testing it I wonder about. Ideally the release
goes out Monday at the latest, it's pretty much ready unless somebody
finds a critical bug.

        - rob -

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