Peter Vermaas wrote:

> I'm trying to compile the 0.8.7. pre-release from
> for the arm on openembedded and I'm getting the following errors:

  Did you use the old bbfile, or the new one ? My last OE build worked fine.

> So it looks like the libxml include files cannot be found.

  Well, Gnash doesn't use libxml2 at all, we have our own XML parser.
Usually the flags from glib or gst from pkg-config have libzml2. Course
with OE, you're not using pkg-config, so you don't get those flags.
Sigh, I will have to add the config test back in I guess, I only removed
it a few days ago.

> Is it still possible to add this for 0.8.7?

  I can add it to the bb file for Open Embedded, I"ll have to think
about adding this back in for the release. If I add the other patch for
the signal handler, then I guess I can fix this too.

        - rob -

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