On 03/22/11 16:04, Benjamin Wolsey wrote:

> It would help to ensure that it doesn't get forgotten.

  I don't forget things on my top of my TODO list... There's a big
difference in our styles, I do things by making several passes over
them, you seem to prefer things to be more complete. I don't mean this
as a dig, all I mean is we get to the same place differently, which is
ok as long as we acknowledge that. The only problem is you'll always
think my big commits are incomplete that way, and I'll always think
you're a perfectionist. :-)

> Expecting your reviewers not only to identify bugs (bearing in mind that
> your only reviewer so far doesn't even have the help of a compiler), but

  I'm not asking for detailed bug reports, a code review is more
high-level. I'm mainly interested in the new libdevice API and how all
that code works now, plus any changes to the FB GUI, mostly just fb.cpp.
Bugs I'll be working on now and in the immediate future before the
merge. I wanted to give everyone a chance to look at the API before
final debugging is done.

  I can even change the existing renderers too, if that's what people
prefer. While I'd rather do it as a 2nd phase, I could be talked into
doing it before the merge as I'm not is a huge hurry.

        - rob -

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