As of Aug 1, 2011, the Open Media Now non-profit I set up for Gnash
funding is shutting down for a variety of reasons, including a major
lack of donations. Several other non-profits, including the FSF have
agreed to handle directed donations to the Gnash project. My suggestion
to the other Gnash developers is to list tasks they'd like funding for
on, which is actually the non-profit that was used to fund
Gnash way back in the very beginning. At this point I'm only planning to
raise funding for my own tasks, if I choose to do any.

  I'll keep the machine up and running as long as I can
afford it, Om Now shutting down shouldn't effect anything else but
lowering my stress levels and extra expenses. It costs money to keep a
non-profit going, which has been exceeding the few donations for over a
year. I'm broke, and can't afford it any longer. As nobody really seems
to want to do funded tasks anyway, I give up beating a dead horse...

        - rob -

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