On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 11:30:56AM -0400, scott092...@aol.com wrote:
> Well, NOW it doesn't work in Chromium as well...
> What, exactly, is happening when the circling dots appear, and before the 
> video plays?
> Gnash makes its Videoplayback__ file, and writes about 40K of information,
> but that's it.  The file never gets larger, and the dots continue to circle, 
> endlessly.
> I don't know what is in the file - it doesn't seem to be able to be viewed in 
> a text editor - I imagine that there are editors (or at least viewers) that 
> display bytes, and I will look for them - maybe knowing exactly when gnash 
> stops writing to the file would give a clue to what is going on...
> Ideas...?

Check which media handler / sound handler you're using (it's in Help->About).
Enable verbose logging and keep an eye on the log file.
Try a different media handler.
Try running gnash from the commandline. Direct SWF url for youtube
has the form http://www.youtube.com/v/<video_id>


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