As many of you have heard by now, MV Communications in Manchester --
NH's oldest ISP -- is closing its doors.  This was sad news to the
many GNHLUGers who were past or present customers of MV.  MV has also
been generously hosting GNHLUG's Internet server in their co-location
facility for free, so this caused dismay of a more immediate sort as
well.  We needed new hosting, and fast, but didn't have the budget to
pay for it.

  Fortunately, another local NH communications company stepped
forward.  I'm happy to say that GNHLUG's Internet presence is now
being hosted by G4 Communications (, also of
Manchester.  G4 has been around for almost as long as MV -- since 1993
-- and provides DSL, T1/DS1, DS3, and fiber optic connectivity in
locations throughout the greater New Hampshire area.  They also offer
hosting (web, DNS, email), managed network, MPLS, firewall,
co-location, and even traditional landline telephone services.  They
come highly recommended by several GNHLUGers.

  As part of moving our server, I got to see G4's co-location
facility.  It was fully equipped, with multiple locked cages,
redundant power and cooling, and everything else you'd expect in such
a place.  The engineer assigned to our case took me right in, gave me
a shelf, power, and pipe, and had us up and running within minutes.
When I remarked that it was getting a little crowded in the shared
co-lo cage, he answered that they're expanding in to a second facility
in the same building later this year.

  So, while I mourn the loss of a fine NH company, I'm pleased with
our new hosts, and very gratified with their generosity.  If you're in
the area and have a need, check out G4.


  GNHLUG is the Greater New Hampshire Linux Users Group, a registered
NH non-profit corporation.  All use of GNHLUG Internet Services is
subject to our Terms of Service

-- Ben
gnhlug-announce mailing list

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