More excuses than memory leaks in a C++ program... :)
I apologize for the delay in getting my notes onto
the 'net.  At last they're available for browsing
and download.

These notes are exactly what was in the handouts, produced
from the same sources.  (By a Python program, natch).

Comments welcome.


Footnote: incidentally, I've crossed a new horizon since
the talk: using Python for development on Winxx, programming
Excel and Access, pulling the puppets' strings using COM
and ADO.  Not my choice to have to do something so ugly,
but if one MUST Python makes it almost as easy as opening
a file.  "It just works" (tm).

Add to suggested reading: _Python Programming on Win32_,
Hammond and Robinson, O'Reilly, ISBN 1-56592-621-8.

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