On Thu, Aug 05, 2004 at 10:42:48AM -0400, Bruce Dawson wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-08-05 at 07:27, Sharpe, Richard wrote:
> >     I got an email from a friend who says Sun's new Solaris 10 runs
> > LINUX and is trying to tell me that Solaris is the way to go because he
> > feels it has the best of both worlds, (We argue about this alot in fun
> > of course) I thought I would send along the link he sent me, we all know
> > Sun wants to stop Linux because it is taking away the market share from
> > Solaris so I guess this is their way of fighting back.
> Sounds like the ole "embrace and extend" strategy to me. ;-)

>From the same folks who brought you "Unix Wars" ..... 

(Cue Star Wars theme... )

        **GRABCOIN Pictures presents....

                "LINUX WARS"
            Long ago in a country far,
       far away a young programmer labored 
     long and hard to create a new kernel, a 
   kernel that would serve the people, not oppress..

See the exciting conflicts as proprietary extensions create 
havoc and chaos in the vulnerable open source colonies.

Watch as the infections spread into tender, ignorant IT

Gasp as Microsoft sponsors a white paper documenting each and every 
occurence of the above and concludes that 

"Open Source just means Open Sores".

** Greedy Market Analysts/Bean Counters Organization In Naughtiness

Linux and Open Source.  The New Base.  
Now All your base belongs to you, for free.
Jeff Kinz, Emergent Research, Hudson, MA.
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