What level of traffic are we talking about?  My server could probably
handle a moderate load in addition to its other tasks, and both Chris
and I already have access.  I would likely be willing to give some
sort of access to at least one other person.


On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 20:30:10 -0500 (EST), Benjamin Scott
> On Thu, 27 Jan 2005, at 11:22pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >>   If you have your own server, you could put up your own archives with
> >> your own Perl script, and likely many would thank you.  I would.
> >
> > Throughout this thread I've been interested in solving a technical
> > problem that I was led to believe existed in the existing mail archive
> > server.
>   *exasperated sigh*
> <FLAME level=mild>
>   No.  The problem is not a lack of Perl scripts.  The problem is one of
> Real Life and Management and Manpower and all those other Real World things
> that get in the way of fun.  I believe I've stated that more then once.
>   Here's the deal: The archives currently live on a server that's running
> "production" tasks for other people.  In other words, paying customers.
> Bruce Dawson has been kind enough to let us use pre-existing resources on
> that server for GNHLUG stuff.  We can't go mucking around with somebody
> else's production server without a lot of planning, change management, and
> that sort of thing.  We can't load the server up with code without being
> careful to make sure it won't bring the server down if an atypical load hits
> it (e.g., mailbomb).  We can't just start upgrading everything to enable the
> new version of Mailman or whatever work.  In short, we're guests.
>   And most of all, there is no "we".  AFAIK, Bruce is the only one who has
> access to make system-level changes to that server.  Bruce is really busy
> right now with real life and real work and all that other stuff.  I'm not
> about to ask him to hand over the keys to his servers to me or anyone else.
> It would be rude.
>   The problems I describe above are not going to be solved by any number of
> Perl scripts.  Get it?
> </FLAME>
>   Now, there are plenty of options open to anyone who wants to improve
> things:
>   - Anyone can subscribe the list to a third-party archive service.  This is
> how mail-archive.com works.  If you find an archive site you like, use it.
> Indeed, I think the more archives, the better.  Real LUGs don't need
> backups, they just let the world mirror their stuff. ;-)
>   - Anyone with their own server can install and configure their own
> archives to do whatever they want, and subscribe said server to the list.
>   - Anyone with sufficient resources (hardware, facilities, and privileges)
> is free to offer to take over IT operations for GNHLUG.  I'm sure Bruce
> wouldn't mind getting us off his server.  Provided the group agrees, of
> course.  I'm not exactly sure how we'd determine that, but I'm sure we can
> think of something.
>   Have a good weekend everybody...
> --
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