On Fri, 30 Dec 2005 09:42:38 -0500, Zhao Peng wrote:

> Hi Jerry,
> Thanks for your suggestions.
> Below is what I did.
> 1 regular boot up from Knopixx
> 2 bring up konsole
> 3 su -
> 4 swapoff /dev/hda6
> 5 qtparted&
> For step 5, I got a line saying "qtparted: cannot connect to X server"
> So I started qtparted via "K menu" -> "systems", and  tried to resize 
> hda4 (which is extended partition, and still the only partition the 
> "resize" is not gray-out). Hda4 has size of  46.04 gb, consisting of 
> hda5 thru hda7, used space for these 3 partitions is less than 1 gb.
> So I right-clicked on hda4, and selected "resize", and set "Free after
> space" at 40 gb, and committed change from "File" menu. The pop-up 
> windows says that the operation is successful. BUT, hda4 is still
> 46.04  gb, and nothing changed! So I tried to commit changes from
> "Device"  menu, the operation is also successful, but it didn't make
> any  difference: hda4 was NOT resized.

You don't want to resize hda4, IMHO - if you do, any space you free up
will not be usable because you can only have a maximum of four primary
partitions, and you already do have that many. The only workable option
I see is to resize the logical partitions now within hda4, and then to
create new logical partitions from the new free space inside hda4.

As for getting QTParted to work as root (which would seem to be the only
way it will allow you to resize hda5/6/7), two things you can try: run
"xhost +" in the konsole before doing the "su -", or run the "Root
Shell" command found (IIRC) on the menu under "KNOPPIX", and try to run
qtparted from that. Also, I wouldn't background qtparted when you run
it, because whatever it may output to the console might be useful info;
no point in throwing it away if you don't have to.

Bill Mullen
RLU #270075
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