On Wed, Mar 08, 2006 at 08:07:35AM -0500, Tom Buskey wrote:
> Many (most) public libraries  provide internet access now.  For some, that's
> thier only access.  Or through computers at school.  My wife works at MCC
> and needs to remind people of this all the time.  Her students usually don't
> have computers and can only use the college computers.  Which are not
> available on weekends so she sends them to the library.

Yes, and there are some libraries in New England running Linux thin clients
to provide more seats per $ to the public.

Even better many public libraries are providing wireless access which
increases the number of seats even more.

Boston Public library is one of these and they don't mind when its
accessed from outside their buildings.

Now all we need are $10 laptops for general distribution.  :)

Jeff Kinz, Emergent Research, Hudson, MA.
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